Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Her Secret Place

Her Secret Place Review

Coming of age novel set in the early 1970's in a tiny New Mexico village. Lizzy faces discrimination, prejudice, and abuse.. She doesn't lose her hope and belief that life is good and will get better. Enjoy exploring a time when teenagers weren't tied to their cell phones and computers. Experience a cultural setting that most of us didn't know existed. Lizzy deals with rejection from her mother and she suspects that her father sexually abused her when she was very young. She lives in a Hispanic culture that doesn't open it's arms to gringoes. Her intelligence is left lagging in a school system that gets the teachers who can't find jobs elsewhere. Lizzy can't even find a good book to read, which is tortuous for her! She learns life lessons in La Mesa that have nothing to do with books. She learns to stand up for herself and to find solutions in impossible situations. Through hard work and determination, she orchestrates a better life for herself.

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