Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Monks in the Marsh: A Little Bird'N B&B Adventure

Monks in the Marsh: A Little Bird'N B&B Adventure Review

Jack and Anne Logan's Little Bird'N bed and breakfast sits quietly alongside an expansive marsh on the lonely north Oregon coast. Their stately Victorian beauty is the base for their guests' small adventures-birdwatching, beach combing and conversations by the fire with glasses of wine, locally roasted coffee and Jack's marvelous biscotti. Or, this is how it should be! Before dawn, before Thanksgiving morning actually arrives, and too soon for the monks, the door bell rings and rings. A small man nervously shifts from foot to foot in the freezing air on the dimly lit porch with water running from his nose turning to ice, cheeks blue and eyes darting from door to marsh. Nervous energy keeps the man from freezing. An embezzling Chicago accountant, a trio of monks, a distraught sister, a local lapsed Catholic, and the unexpected arrival of Jack's aunt and uncle combine to make this Thanksgiving weekend at the Bird'N truly unforgettable.

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